Good Sunday Morning All!
Hope everyone is well and anticipating next week's array of interesting guests after the very informative week we've had this past week. I don't know about you, but I've had an absolute ball.
To recap:
We've reminisced about what has influenced the paranormal genre through the years and one of the main things we've discovered universally is that Dark Shadows has played a large part in most author's motivations towards the paranormal. Other movies and shows, such as, Dracula, Forever Knight, UnderWorld, Moonlight-which is a recent show that no one has mentioned but I think belongs here on the list. Books like Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and for me the Witch Series-The Witching Hour, Lasher, etc. have gone a long way to locking my muse in the Paranormal mode.
We've learned that the Alpha males are very important and desirous of the female psyche. Whether it be the motorcycle bad boy or a dark-hearted, sexy man who turns furry at the full moon, or dons fangs at will, women get all moist between—well, you get the picture:) To tame the beast within is every woman's desire and to bring him to his knees quivering with the need to own her heart, mind, body and soul the ultimate reward.
We’ve met new authors excited about their first releases, and we’ve met seasoned ones who continue to hone the muse and share their knowledge with the newbies so that they may enjoy the sensation of publication. We’ve seen how family and friends play such a large part in our motivation to get our stories down on paper and then all the support and encouragement from our loved ones for us to actually get those stories out there for others to enjoy.
We’ve met Rhonda Penders, Editor-in-Chief/Owner of The Wild Rose Press and learned what makes her tick.
Some of you have won prizes and will continue to have chances at other great prizes. Please let me know what you thought of all the activities over the last week. I would love to know if you’ve had as much fun as I have.
And speaking of prizes, who’s up for a chance at winning a free download of Curse of the Marhime? I do think a little scavenger hunt is in order. Take a little trip over to my website, Roma Wolf Tales, and take a gander at the sample story, “A Mid Autumn’s Nightmare,” then tell me what Darius does that Aliese really “hates.” Place your answers as a comment to this post. I will take all the correct answers and enter them into a drawing to announce the winner next Sunday, October 19th.
Happy Hunting and good Luck!
Hey, while you’re there, take a look around. You never know what question I might ask next for a great prize:)
Have a wonderful day!
Hello, Dayana!
ReplyDeleteSeeing as how I'm relatively new to these kinds of contests, I'm finding it quite fun. Thank you again for the Blossom Bucks. You may trust I'll spend them wisely.
As for Aliese, firstly she hates it when Darius 'gets all agreeable.' But mainly it's how he [being of the dead] bleems in. No warning, no sound, 'he's just there!'
Looking forward to next week's goingson. Blessings, Laura
Hey D~
ReplyDeleteFirst, wanted you to know I truly enjoyed yesterday. Today... puppy-proofing the castle. Damon believes the world is his playground. I read the excerpt and would like to read the rest of the story. Sounds very intriguing/sexy. Aliese doesn't fancy being snuck up on by Darius. It wouldn't bother me.
Anyway, good luck with the rest of the week/month celebration. Oh, can I still answer people's comments that came up today? I'll drop in from time to time and hang with ya.
Hello, Laura! Welcome back:) I'm so happy you are enjoying yourself here. Bring your friends along, as they say, the more the merrier.
ReplyDeleteI'm having a somewhat lazy day. Repotted a plant, did some laundry, napped--yep, a lazy day.
Talk soon,
Hey back at ya Jack! Of coourse you can follow any additional posts to your blog and hopefully you will stick around and jump in anytime you like with that witty voice of yours:) I swear you keep me laughing no matter what my mood, woman!
ReplyDeleteAny don't be surprised but isn't every home the furry one's castle and playground? GypsyLee is the Queen of this chateau, LOL
Hey how about we have a furry family member blog day? Complete with family pics? You game?
Hey D~
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Love the idea of a Furry Free For all. I have more pics of the puppy than I do my kids. He soooo needs a girlfriend. One conjugal visit to the pound--5 minutes or less and he'd be a happy camper, course that 5 minute reprieve is probably all I'd get too.
How did you get a nap? I'm jealous. I ended up resembling a Smurf most of the day. Still have that blue hue to me. Painted the garage. Getting geared up to do the bedroom while the hubby's in Japan for 2 weeks:) I'll actually get some sleep too. Oh wait, take your mind out of the gutter. It aint what it sounds like. He rattles the roof at night.
Oohsh.. be right back. ... Completely forgot I was boiling water. The pan was empty. Contrary to my son's post yesterday, I do cook. Oh have I got a good one for you. Last week I tossed some meatballs in the oven and then came upstairs while I fed my OCD. The church not even a 1/4 mile from here was having its fair/fundraiser and through my window I could hear the music playing, and the vendor's foods aromas snaking its way into my room. I was in heaven, it smelled delightful. About an hour and half later I'm thinking to myself darn (Not the exact word I used... keeping it 'G' rated here) it smells like someone delivered that to my door. Not 2 seconds went by and my smoke alarm went off. OMG! I flew down stairs to find my meatballs engulfed in flames and my kitchen looking California on a really smoggy day. Needless to say a pizza got delivered shortly thereafter:) You needn't wonder any longer where my daughter gets it from!
I hope you enjoy the remainder of your evening. Today went by too fast for me.
Off to Wally world.
Yours truly has already read COM and has been recommending it to everyone she knows...okay, SO WEIRD to talk about myself in the 3rd person...just wanted to say LOVING the blog events and posts!
ReplyDeleteInteresting post and love the short story. Aliese hates when Darius is cooperative and when he is able to block her path because he can move without a sound.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like she hates practically everything about him, but that's not really the case, is it? LOL
I read the story last week, then had to go back and make sure I had it. No sound, no movement, he was just there.
ReplyDeleteNeat story, Dayana. Made me want to know more.
LOL, Deidre. No, you are right but there is one particular thing that Aliese hates more than anything else about Darius.
ReplyDeleteTry again if you like for entry into the drawing.
Okay, is it when he gets cooperative and agreeable, plus the way he says her name?
........and how the dead make no sound
Dayana, Aliese hates when Darius gets too agreeable. :)