A Prepublished Novel in the Process of Revisions and Rewrites

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This has been a very unsettling week for me so I've been a bit behind myself. On Sunday morning my friend's fiance had a stroke. It was so unbelievable and shocking that we just moved through the last couple of days in a fog of mechanical reaction.

It really hit me like a ton of bricks in that moment just how fragile life is. Your entire existence as you know it can change in the blink of an eye. Well, fortunately, Donnie did not have any bleeds and his extremities and speech are coming back wonderfully. Tonight he was speaking full sentences and he is walking better and greater distance. So we are so very thankful. I can't tell you what a wonderful improvement this is over Sunday morning in the ER.

Anyway, I've been struggling between the job, helping my friends, and other responsibilities this week so the blogging has sort of halted. I did want to toss out a quick reminder that Helen Hardt will be here in the Author Spotlight this week, so please drop on in and check us out. Helen writer really hot, hunky heros and very spicy erotic romance. Don't miss her.


1 comment:

  1. D~
    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, but it sounds hopeful he will have a full recovery. Fingers are crossed and prayers are sent.
    You know I went through this exact thing last year first with my girlfriend and then a few months later my aunt. Strokes and aneurisms are one of the biggest, cruelest shocks a person can receive. Life as you know it changes. period.
    Again, get your rest and my prayers for your friends are there.
