
***Today is your last chance to qualify for the "Halloween Free Read" gift bag. For details please visit my website and click on the contest button. Looking forward to drawing a winner tomorrow evening.***
Tell me about yourself. What makes you angry, happy, sad, snoopy dance?
Angry:When people don’t seem to listen, and when I can’t fix something myself.
Happy: I am happy when I’m peaceful.
Sad: Sad, well thinking of things I could have done that might have changed things.
Snoopy Dance: When the blessings come in from above.
When was the first moment you felt comfortable saying, “I am a writer?”
I don’t think I have a first moment. I’ve always thought I was a writer since I penned my first poem in my teens. If we had to define it, it would be when my first 3 songs I wrote were recorded.
Wow, Faith! You wrote songs and got them recorded? That's pretty impressive. What kind of songs?
Southern Gospel songs with soul and some where you just had to tap your feet.
Sounds fun and inspirational. What type of stories do you like to write and why?
I try to write stories that give hope, are full of sensuality, and make readers believe anything can happen.
Where did you get the inspiration for (your current book)?
A Romantic Times Book Lovers Convention in Kansas City. The Vampire Ball that Heather Graham threw.
How many manuscripts had you written by the time you had your first publication?
3 full.
Do you have an upcoming release?
Dunbar’s Curse, the second book in the Bound By Blood, The Legends, my vampire series will be out March 19th 2010. Miles is a great character, and I love how he loves the heroine, Hope.
Where can we find your upcoming release? When will it be available?
The Wild Rose Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and others. March 19th 2010.
Dunbar’s Curse, the second book in the Bound By Blood, The Legends, my vampire series will be out March 19th 2010.
I think my first hero in my medieval. He’s not had his place in the limelight yet, but I’m hoping. So please don’t tell my vamp boys. They might get upset…lol.
Your secret is safe with me, no worries:) Now I think I'd like to hear a bit about your current release, Kensington's Soul. Zacke is one hot vamp. I know I've met him up close and personal:)
Vampires can be such sensual and titillating creatures when it comes to what they want or whom they want. It’s been my pleasure to tell one such vamp’s story in Kensington’s Soul, Book 1 of the Bound By Blood, The Legends series with The Wild Rose Press.
Zacke was an excellent vampire, hot, edgy, tormented and determined to protect the woman he loves while he tries to redeem his soul. In Dunbar’s Curse, Book 2 of the same series, Miles is a vamp also driven by emotions. He wants what he is sure he can’t have and when he gets it, he is frightened it will be snatched away.
Please enjoy a short blurb and excerpt. Zacke and Miles both will be here to field any questions from curious and intrigued readers.
Erotic dreams haunt Dr. Hope Morgan. The man who makes her burn with desire is only a figment of her imagination—or so she thinks until she meets him at a party. She fears she is losing her mind and flees the handsome stranger but finds she can’t seem to get him out of her heart.
Miles is over four hundred years old and a bit long in the fang department to fall in love. But when the child he rescues grows up into a beautiful and sensual woman, he can’t keep his heart or desire under control. When Hope’s life is in danger once again, he moves Heaven and Earth to protect her but wonders who will protect her from him.
She stepped off the bottom step and almost tripped over an uneven patch of floor.
She aimed the beam of light at where the window should be. What on earth? A bookcase blocked out her expected light source. Miles was the only one who could have done that, but why would he?
The cold penetrated deeper, spurring Hope toward the furnace. Her foot caught on something soft but unyielding. She stumbled and ended up sitting on the something. Her hand recognized the contours of a mattress. A mattress that should have been stuffed in a corner, not lying out in the open.
Once again, she sent the light spiraling over the basement, but nothing else seemed out of place. She brought the beam back to shine on the mattress and a body.
Her heart beat triple time before she recognized the body resting on its side, a scant two feet from her hand. Miles! Why was he sleeping in the basement and not upstairs? Her hand reached out toward his arm. Should she wake him or let him sleep? Common sense won—he had to be freezing. He didn’t even have a sheet. This time her palm brushed his sleeve before she gently shook his shoulder.
A hand caught her wrist in a cruel grip.
She bit back a cry of pain.
A second later she was flat on her back—Miles’ face above hers. But not the face she loved. His eyes were so dark they were almost black. His beautiful lips were drawn back in a snarl. A snarl that revealed one-inch incisors. The hand that held her down sported claws.
Now sit back, enjoy, ask your questions, and have a good time!Faith
Faith started her journey to publication when she joined the Romance board at iVillage.com, where she has long since become a community leader. She has written book reviews for Bridges Magazine, MyShelf.com, and for the past six years, Romantic Times Book Reviews. She also pens a column for a local magazine. Her path veered into editing and marketing for a small press before she joined The Wild Rose Press staff. Her dream of having her own work published is a blessing and an honor. Faith resides in the south with her daughter Amanda, memories of her now angel husband Rick, and a special zoo crew of furry babies.
Please visit me at www.faithvsmith.com, www.faithvsmith.blogspot.com,
I’m also on Twitter! http://twitter.com/FaithVSmith
And visit my fan page on Face Book Access it through my blogspot.
Thanks for having me here, Dayana. It’s always such a pleasure to visit with you.
Tell me about yourself. What makes you angry, happy, sad, snoopy dance?
I’m a left-handed Virgo who loves chocolate. That just about covers it! Been blessed with a wonderful family who brings happiness and joy to my life. I tend to snoopy dance a lot, and the only thing that truly ruffles my feathers are mean-spirited people. I don’t tolerate bullying, either in the classroom or out of it.
How many books have you written?
3 – Retribution! is my first release. Consequences is also contracted with TWRP, and Inheritance, Book 3, has not yet been queried. All are full-length novels.
What are some traditional methods of marketing you have used to gain visibility for you and your book(s)?
I’ve done pens, postcards – the usual. Also, I spread the word about my work on blogs, Facebook, and anywhere anyone will listen.
What are some unique methods?
Recently, I was interviewed on blog talk radio. Now that was a very strange feeling. Taking out ads, even short news releases to a local paper have worked really well. The latter led to a fantastic invitation for a book signing at a busy coffee house. I sold well over 30 copies of Retribution! I’ve been invited back there for a Halloween book signing, but this time, I’ll be joined by Noble Blood’s author, Linda J. Parisi. Two Black Roses in costume! I’m so looking forward to it J
Oh blog radio is strange. I had an interview with Paranormal Palace last year and was so nervous, but you know? The host was so warm and friendly we ended up talking like we were longtime friends. BTW I listened to your interview, Micky, and it was great:)
When do you write (daytime, nighttime, on your lunch hour, before the kids get up, after everyone is asleep? In large chunks of time or stolen snippets?)
My two children are in their 20’s, and I totally give kudos to authors with little ones around. I don’t believe I could have written one sane word while my two were small. I usually write on nights and weekends. Some Saturdays, I’m so involved in the characters that the day fades to black before I realize it. Being a teacher, snow days have me jumping for joy and raring to write. The ambiance of a blizzard just thrills me!
Now that is something I truly miss from my life in New Jersey. Snow days were always the best.
Do you write every day? Or when the muse strikes?
Nope – I’m strictly a ‘when the muse strikes’ kind of gal. I can edit most anytime, but the creative process of writing only happens when the muse makes an appearance.
Ditto, Micky. Me too!
Where do you write?
Ah, I love this question! There’s a small eating room at the back of my home. The table becomes a perfect desk, the view, an entire wall of window. My laptop faces open space full of greenery. There’s a really neat forest on my left. Deer, fox, groundhogs, bunnies, chipmunks, and various species of birds are often present. I love the feeling of solitude in the midst of Mother Nature when I write.
Oh that sounds wonderful. I am so jealous. I grew up venturing through forests and loving nature. I miss it. The flora and fauna is so different in the tropics.
Do you put pieces of yourself or your life in your stories?
Yes. I think most writers do. I also put pieces of my family’s lives in the characters as well.
Again, I tend to do the same thing. My first book a crime suspense has a lot of my father in it:)
What is your least favorite thing to do as an author?
Jeez, can’t I have more than one?? Making the query letter perfect, penning a thrilling synopsis, shameless self-promo… The uncomfortable tasks one must accomplish if we choose to entertain others with our creations. If it helps, writing the book is what I like best.
Tell us about your Hero. Do you have a favorite, if you’ve written multiple books?
Michael Malone is a tall, dark, and handsome vampire with moral conscience and tons of depth. Reclaiming his soul after 200 years of lusty kills changes him. Michael’s complex disposition makes him fun to write. His arrogance hides a very caring (but metaphorical) heart, and devotion to Alana, my heroine, never wavers.
As I've told you on numerous occasions, I love Michael and Alana. They are just amazing. And the strife they muddle through is so well written. All your characters are so very well fleshed out, I felt as if I knew each one of them. You guys really must read this book.
Are any of your characters modeled after people you know?
Bits and pieces of the good people in my life show up in each of my characters. Thorn, the empath who helps Michael, is a combination of three wonderful men that I have the pleasure of being related to. I love each one of them in a different way, and Thorn is a tribute to their persistence and importance to me.
What do you do for relaxation?
Very little. No lie… I’m wound pretty tight.
What TV shows do you watch? I never miss Bones, The Closer, or Mad Men. I’m a sucker for drama and complex characters.
Oohhh, I love Bones as everyone already knows.
What type of music do you favor?
Being a music teacher, I find different types of release in different genres. I’ll escape into my thoughts with Bach’s Cello Suites or anything Chopin. But I get equal satisfaction out of Santana, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, or Louis Armstrong.
Quite diverse taste, Mickey. I tend to do Alternative and Classical which totally on two different ends of the scale, LOL
Do you use music as a motivational source when writing?
Nope. Never. My head starts analyzing the piece and I slip into the musician and out of the writer. I prefer total silence when I write.
Fun question (possible blackmail material down the line, LOL) What is the most uncharacteristic thing you have ever done? Please, no censoring? I have no qualms about placing a content warning on my blog!
I gave up a tenured teaching position to study acting in London and traipse around Europe when I was 26. For five months, I lived without a plan, without a care in the world. Anyone who knows me will attest to that being the most uncharacteristic thing I have ever done!
It's been a pleasure having you here today, Micky. I look forward to reading Consequences and please do get Inheritance submitted, woman!
More about M. Flagg:
Mickey brings the joy of music to hundreds of students every week in an urban K-8 school. Named a Distinguished Music Educator at the 2009 Yale Music Symposium, she also accompanies a church choir on Sundays and writes paranormal romance. Retribution, her debut novel, was released in 2009. Book 2, Consequences, is also contracted with The Wild Rose Press. Living in northern NJ, she shares her home with her children, a rescued, bright-orange Main Coon who only bites her ankles, and a very sweet JRT who doesn’t know he’s a terrier. Her novels can be purchased at http://www.thewildrosepress.com/ as well as various sites on the web. You can contact Mickey at http://www.mflagg-author.com/